What Is Flash Storage?

Flash storage refers to any device that uses a non-volatile system called flash memory. This storage technology is characterized by speed, hence, the term "flash."

Is Flash Storage the Same as a Memory Stick?

The original memory stick is actually a proprietary term licensed under Sony Products for their cameras. In recent years, it has become the generic term to refer to those long thin boards that hold the memory of your RAM. A flash drive, meanwhile, typically comes in USB form, which you stick to specific ports on your desktop, laptop, or mobile device. The main difference is that the flash drive utilizes non-volatile memory while your RAM does not. It simply means that data is not compromised even if you pull out the USB stick or turn off the device.

What Is Flash Array?

Flash Array, or specifically all-flash array (AFA), are next-level storage solutions that have all the advantages of flash storage systems.

What Is All-Flash Storage and How Does it Differ from Storage Area Network and Network Attached Storage?

Both storage area network (SAN) and network attached storage (NAS) are made of multiple hard disks. However, they have some structural differences like the way SAN saves data at the block level and how NAS typically accesses data as files. Also, fiber technology uses SAN for connection. All-flash storage converts all those hard disks ingrained in the SAN and NAS into flash memory.

What is All-Flash Array Storage?

All-flash array storage is essentially the same as the AFA. So, instead of using the spinning hard disk drives of HDD, it utilizes the much more effective solid-state array or SSA. Since there are fewer moving parts that disrupt the bandwidth, it results in more speed and better performance.

For comparison, your standard all-flash array storage can read and write data about six to 20 times faster compared to the mechanical HDD. In previous years, the only reason why people were not converting from HDD to SSAs is the price difference. It is no longer true today as SSD and AFA solutions have become even more affordable.